52 Weeks and 51 Letters – Make your goal count!


Interesting title, right? Being mostly a business blog, we don’t get too sappy around here usually. However, I think this is any important story to share. 52 weeks ago we sat down to make our goals for 2017. The two of us, on New Years Day morning after being together for 16 years. We were…

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New Year Resolutions?- How we met our 2017 goals!

New Years resolution

Everyone has their family traditions. We are a young family so we are still building ours. One that has already made the cut are having New Year goals every year. Nope, we don’t call them New Years resolutions. We call them goals at our house and we take them pretty seriously. Around the middle of…

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7 Habits to Successfully Navigate Office Politics for the Win

office politics

Office politics. I can hear the echo now from the cascade of sighs and grunts. Enter the new world of an already complicated landscape with every new introduction of a -phobe, -ism, or sexual harassment. Cue bad Powerpoint slides, videos, and hours of endless and mindless death-by-e-learning. The More Things Change in Office Politics… I…

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