7 Ways to Position for a Promotion
So you want to aim for a promotion? Maybe you want to progress in your career, make more money, earn a better job title, or maybe you just want to be at least seem like a very important person? Here are seven ways we earned five promotions in five years!
- Dress like the job you want not the job you have. At least be the best-dressed member of your team, department or staff, but aim to be the sharpest-dressed around. Old school, yes, but still true. Check out our post on how to build a professional wardrobe on a budget.
- Be reliable. Always be there and be there on time. Be ready to step in if a project demands some extra attention or even extra hours.
- Volunteer for every opportunity, especially the one no one else wants to do.
- Figure out a need…. and meet it. Look for questions that remain unanswered or perhaps even unasked. If the reasoning is simply “we’ve always done it that way” then you have a potential actionable area.
- This one kind of plays off number four but has been a big impact in our promotions. Find something that takes a lot of time and see if you can find a solution to complete it in less time AND more accurately. This could be through automation or finding another way to skin the cat. Employees will love it because it takes less time and may reduce their frustrations. Management will love that they or employees will have more time to devote to other tasks and in turn be more productive.
- Unless you have a very good reason (medical, children, growth potential), never take a step back.
- Practice respect. It’s not just a Southern thing to use respectful titles. Treat those above you, around you and even below you in rank with all of the same respect. You will win advocates and build relationships that will help you progress.
Go forth and get to work! What other tips do you have that have helped you get that job promotion?