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Recent Articles

New Years resolution

New Years Resolutions Are Not Magic Spells…You Need Goals

First off, a Happy New Year to you and yours from us here at Library of Biz! The New Year is here, as are the resolutions that inevitably come with it! Don’t make the mistake of treating the New Year as a magical time of unbroken promises where you suddenly grow inhuman resolve and willpower.…


52 Weeks and 51 Letters – Make your goal count!

Interesting title, right? Being mostly a business blog, we don’t get too sappy around here usually. However, I think this is any important story to share. 52 weeks ago we sat down to make our goals for 2017. The two of us, on New Years Day morning after being together for 16 years. We were…

New Years resolution

New Year Resolutions?- How we met our 2017 goals!

Everyone has their family traditions. We are a young family so we are still building ours. One that has already made the cut are having New Year goals every year. Nope, we don’t call them New Years resolutions. We call them goals at our house and we take them pretty seriously. Around the middle of…

disney world

Staying at A Resort On Property at Walt Disney World

One of the first questions one has to answer when booking their trip to Walt Disney world is: Do we stay on Disney property or do we stay off Disney property? I have stayed on site the majority of my visits to Disney and have had some wonderful experiences. (If you would like to see…

office politics

7 Habits to Successfully Navigate Office Politics for the Win

Office politics. I can hear the echo now from the cascade of sighs and grunts. Enter the new world of an already complicated landscape with every new introduction of a -phobe, -ism, or sexual harassment. Cue bad Powerpoint slides, videos, and hours of endless and mindless death-by-e-learning. The More Things Change in Office Politics… I…

disney budget

Walt Disney World Vacation- Cheap and On A Budget

As working professionals or business owners, we need to take care of ourselves! Everyone deserves a break and to spend time with the ones they love! What better way to have fun and spend time with your family than taking a trip to Disney World in Orlando? This is one of our favorite places to…

web hosting

What to Look For When It Comes to Web Hosting: Types of Web Hosting

What do you know about the types of web hosting? Did you know certain features of web hosting factor into where you rank the search engines? Do you know why you might need a larger or smaller web hosting plan? What do you think the right type of web hosting costs? Welcome to the first…


Prepare for Vacation- You Deserve It!

You deserve a vacation. This is Lee. Lee works 60 hours a week for his own small business. The exhaustion is at a point where it is unbearable and he is ready to throw in the towel. Lee hasn’t had a vacation in a year. He is scared to take a vacation because he has…

how to get a raise

3 Secrets to How to Get A Raise Now

Asking for a raise is intimidating, right? You would be surprised how many people complained or shared that they hadn’t had a raise *in years*. I’m talking 3, 5, and 7+ years. Their job descriptions changed. What they were required to accomplish in a day grew larger. The amount of juggling, emails, and phone calls…

Stress and anxiety occur frequently in the workplace. Let us help you reduce your stress and anxiety level in the workplace with our guide.

Help with Stress and Anxiety in the Workplace

This blog post is about to get real. Many folks don’t want to talk about it, especially if they are experiencing it. Although we have become a society where its supposedly ok to talk about everything, there are still somethings we don’t want to talk about. I find this especially true the higher up we…

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