Hey and welcome to Library of Biz!

We are Sam and Denver. We started dating in high school and ended up getting married a year after we graduated college. Denver made a perfect score of the verbal SAT and almost perfect on the math. He's kinda smart (so Sam says). Sam was a traveling athlete growing up which helped her learn and grow leadership experience. While at the University of South Carolina, she received a leadership and service award from the university. We happen to both enjoy the challenges and rewards of business. Denver gravitated towards running his own business as early as high school, when he started a web hosting company. Sam is a true business pedigree. Both her grandparents and parents owned and operated their own businesses. She began helping her grandfather sell plants at the farmers market and sweeping floors at her parent's business from a very young age. 

We both were raised with the notion of the American Dream instilled in our values. You know, the cliche that the application of hard work pays off over time?

We got lucky. We graduated in 2009 when everything was crashing. There weren't tons of job prospects but we were young and naive. Although we saw teachers getting laid off and knew there wasn't much chance Sam would get a teaching job, we didn't let it phase us. We worked all through college so we kept applying for lucrative jobs and talked to anyone we could about getting a job. Turns out it paid off. We ended up in jobs making more money than had we taken a job in the fields we graduated in.

Well on the Way to a Dream, But...

While we had both tripled our original starting salaries in about 7 years and managed to pay off (or stay out of) traditional debt patterns, the living part of life just wasn't there. While unhappy isn't quite the proper way to put it, we knew that life involved more than simply surviving.

By this time we had two small children and were working like crazy. Sam decided it was time to start her own business and work from home to be more available to our family. It was a bit scary at first but we knew it was the best decision for our family.

Little did we know.

Little did we know, the business would end up being very lucrative and exceeded our expectations that first year. We've taken the skills we learned growing up and through our jobs to support our family. Our business is growing like crazy and has hit a five figure month. We get to work with HGTV television stars, mutli million dollar companies, and major non-profits on a daily basis.

Our blog is here to help those who want to start their own business, work from home, or to simply excel in their professional jobs.

We desire to help our readers create ELITE careers and businesses to enable them to enjoy what matters! This path to a better life passes through financial freedom, sound business wisdom, and a good bit of sweat equity!