How to Effectively Automate Your Social Media to Make More Money

As we continue to work for our consulting firm Small Town Co., LLC, we have face to face interaction with small businesses daily. We have also been very fortunate to be able to communicate with other bloggers as well. Whether it be a builder, a doctor, or a blogger, everyone is hearing the potential social media can make on their profit.

In our world today, everyone has a smart phone or a computer. The internet and these devices allow us to reach thousands of people who are all want to solve a problem. You have the answer to solve their problems which can make you MORE money. For people to find you, you NEED to be on social media. A businesses social media presence makes the first impression now days. People are no longer looking in their phonebooks or the newspaper to find people to help them solve their problems. They are looking for you on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

However, it is TIME CONSUMING. As the saying goes, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.” because the return on investment on doing it manually just isn’t quite worth.

One of the TOP questions I get or read others asking is: “How do I get them most out out of my social media marketing WITHOUT spending ALL my time on it?

When I tell them “AUTOMATE it.”, I find that many have no idea social media can be automated. They are often in shock. We end up having a conversation about how social media can be automated and what they can do to automate the process. Below is our social media automation story as well as an outline of information I give to businesses everyday on how it can help GROW your business!

Our story to finding Social Media Automation

When we first built Library of Biz we thought if we build it, they will come. We were sadly mistaken. We then thought if just sign up for social media and just post our content THEN people would come. After spending hours trying to figure out why were weren’t getting traffic, we found we were not posting enough or interacting enough. We upped our game and started posting more frequently which has assisted in driving our traffic and clients.

However, we found these two things are VERY time consuming and we knew we had to find a way to get some of our time back. We couldn’t stay up until 3 am making Twitter posts and Pinterest pins. I hear sleeping less than six hours is the equivalent to being drunk. Our findings show, that is true! We needed our time back so we began searching for an answer to our problem. We knew we needed to automate.

Why should I automate?

Automating your social media will save you hours of time while bringing in more clients and money. While working as a Management Analyst for executives and front line supervisors the number one thing that I found was time is money and time is VERY precious. Automation can take the tasks requiring hours to tasks that take minutes. Spending one hour scheduling and automating your posts can save you 20+ hours during the week of manually submitting posts or pinning. You will get time back to work on tasks you have not been able to get to in the past. You will even get to spend more time with your family (Work life balance help!). Being busy is not cool anymore.

Where do I start?

Sign up for service to automate your social media.

After testing a hand full of services, we have chosen HootSuite to automate our Twitter and Facebook. We have chosen Tailwind for our Pinterest posts.

Why did we choose these companies?

  1. We chose these companies because they were the best bang for our buck.
  2. They are by far the most user friendly.
  3. Our research found that people out on the web making $100,000 a month through social media are using these products. We have learned during our successful careers to watch what successful people do and do it!
  4. With Tailwind, I can schedule hundreds of pins in fifteen minutes!
  5. HootSuite allows us to schedule our posts in the matter of minutes using an spreadsheet in CSV format.

We can’t believe we spent all the time we did in the past manually scheduling or using other programs that took more time and effort to post. These two tools will absolutely CHANGE your marketing life, they definitely did ours!

Here are links to HootSuite and Tailwind to help you get on your way to automating your social media.

I don’t have the time to devote to automating my social media. Or I can’t figure this out on my own.

Head over to Small Town Co.,LLC where we can provide one on one assistance with getting you set up or set up an agreement to perform the task for you.

Want to know more about how to get more done and be more productive? Check out our post, How to get more done better today.