Need Extra Money? How to Make Extra Funds on the Side!

Looking to make extra money? Here is how we make extra money!Do you want to make extra money in addition to your current salary? Maybe you want to pay down some debt? Maybe you have a baby on the way all too soon?

We have had some success with side businesses that started just by fluke. We didn’t make millions or anything like that, but they filled in the gaps for us, often putting food on the table or buying our presents for others. They helped keep us from borrowing money or putting expenses on a credit card. They further allowed us to take leave after the birth of our children because we didn’t have maternity leave.

Most of these businesses have been trades we taught ourselves: website coding, hosting businesses, domain buying and selling. However, it doesn’t have to be something that complex. We have taken hobbies and sports and given lessons to the younger generation. We have tutored and taught elementary kids how to read. We have made custom dresses for girls, bow ties for guys, and sold crafts.

Starting in high school we realized we wanted to make some extra cash to pay for those things we really wanted. One of us started a hosting company in high school where customers automatically assumed we were 30 years old. Guess thats the beauty of the internet! Recently, we learned there is actually a quasi-scientific term for these side businesses. They are called side hustles. Becoming a side hustler is a great way to generate extra money.

Coming soon will be a side hustle series covering some of the best in side hustling, such as:

How to find and determine if a side hustle is for you.
How to get your side hustle started.
Side hustles do sometimes fail, but it’s only okay if you learn from them.
Where can I find side hustle resources?
This is a series you will not want to miss!
Looking to make extra money? Here is how we make extra money!