Increase Your Profit Without Any More Work
All businesses are looking to increase their profit. One easy, quick, and proven way to meet that goal is by reducing spending and expenses. I know of businesses and organizations who shaved over $100,000 off of their spending in the first year following my tips. Here are the my tips to reducing your overhead. Double…
Read MoreWorking Parent Morning Routine and Stress
Morning routines to set you up for success are all the rage these days and they are great. Getting up, stretching, making the bed, going for a run, drinking coffee, cooking a wonderful breakfast… Ah a blissful morning routine! I can see the doves descending and the brilliant sunshine cascading down in the background. The Perfect…
Read MoreThe Path to Make Money From Your Blog
The last eight years I worked hard. I spent the first year and a half of my marriage working six days a week for someone else. When I returned back to work from my unpaid maternity leave, I would leave my baby at 7 in the morning to not get home until after 7 some…
Read MoreProduct Experience Matters, But Where May Surprise You
Having worked in the information technology sector for over a decade, you could say I’ve had my share of product experiences. From brands like Dell to HP to Apple and Samsung, I’ve unboxed and used everything from phones to large servers. And I can say that one company is head-and-shoulders above the others when it…
Read MoreHow to Minimize Turnover of Good Employees
Turnover. Being apart of the top of an organization with over 700 employees, I have seen folks come and go. I’ve seen some of the best employees walk out the door. Sometimes it is to pursue other avenues. Sometimes it is because things just went wrong. It always begs the question though, how do we…
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