Productivity 101: How to Do More Stuff Better Today

how to be productive

Overwhelmed? Tired? Lacking in the productivity department? Forgetful in your tasks lately? People seem to be avoiding you Mr./Ms. Grumpy Pants? A little while back, we we touched on the topic of burnout. As much as burnout may be a sign that you’re at the wrong gig or work-life balance means nothing to you, it…

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BURNOUT- 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Quit

should I quit

What if the burnout doesn’t subside? This is a tough place to be in. It’s exhausting and confusing and you are most likely at that “what next” stage. This is when you need to really evaluate you and your job. Take out a sheet of paper and answer these 5 questions before you decide to…

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6 Ways to Overcome BURNOUT

overcome burnout

    How do you overcome burnout? We’ve been there. So deep in burnout that we just aren’t sure which way to turn. It can be almost paralyzing at times, or burnout can spill over into your life outside of work. Here are some ways we have worked to overcome our burnout! Take a few…

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9 Signs You Are Experiencing BURNOUT


    How exactly do you know if you are experiencing job burnout? You just might be surprised to know this, but the Mayo Clinic actually has a section devoted to job burnout. The signs are many, and even the way that burnout surfaces may vary from person to person. As the Mayo Clinic link…

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